Agile Practise: Test Phases

To be honest as a QA, we shall not be much process driven.I personally don’t like involving myself in much of a process thing.

But keeping bullets or notes of stuff which I have to do always help in accomplishing a task.

Whenever we kick off any new project or revamp strategies of existing project then its always good to write all your ideas be it process driven or execution driven on a document. This pandemic has made us so flexible & available that such document always help , as sharing such atleast gives a basic idea to the team.

Today what I am sharing is not a hard coded or only source of truth that is followed throughout the industry but yes can be considered .

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Functional test cases of shopping cart.

Here are some areas which we can focus on while testing shopping cart:-


  1. Select any product.
  2. Select Add to Cart icon.
  • Verify that the correct PDP page is shown with all the necessary
  • links and information.
  • Verify that product should be successfully added to cart and in the Cart icon, 1 should be displayed.
Continue reading “Functional test cases of shopping cart.”

Test cases of ‘elevators’?

The best way to write test cases is to categorize them such that it can be applied to the given situation. For instance, if I take an example of ‘Lift aka Elevators‘ then what all tests we can actually perform on lift could be like this:

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Test cases of ‘Fan’?

If we want to examine any tester then the best way to know him/her is to ask him real-time questions over real-time examples. Just like the day-to-day objects which we used to work on and see on a daily basis. So let’s take an instance of ‘Fan’, and this you see, you use multiple times a day.

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Test cases of ‘folders in Windows Operating System’.

Functional test case

  1. Creation of a folder with all kinds of characters like underscores, a hyphen should work.
  2. Verify for all special characters from keyboards like @,&,^ should not work.
  3. Check duplicate folders with the same name should not be permitted.
  4. Validate handling of folder creation after 256 characters on windows should not be allowed.
  5. Check Unicode characters should not be allowed.
Continue reading “Test cases of ‘folders in Windows Operating System’.”

SoapUI Tutorial Part 3 : Deep dive assertions in SoapUI

Validation is way too important than Invention, I hope you agree with this statement as not only testers, business analysts, product owners believe in this statement but developers, customers are also getting inclined with the same thought. The idea is to showcase the importance of change in the perception of a developer with a QA.

In this write-up, I will share how can we add verification’s in our SoapUI tests.

Continue reading “SoapUI Tutorial Part 3 : Deep dive assertions in SoapUI”

Functional test cases of ‘Pen’

Functional Tests
  1. The pen should have enough grip so that the user can get hold of it.
  2. The pen should work on paper.
  3. Pen having more than one refill to work with shall have a proper click button so that the user can opt for the suitable refill to work with.

Usability Tests

  1. Pen’s should not leak when open.
  2. Pen’s should be refilled if its not a use and throw kind of pen.
  3. The pen should have at least a refill in it.

Portability Tests

  1. Pen’s weight should not be more than 10gms.

Load Tests

  1. The pen should work put force abruptly.

Performance Tests

  1. When put in various cold and hot temperature, Pen’s speed should not get effective
  2. The pen should work onboard
  3. The pen should not work on leaves.
  4. The pen should work on clothes.

SoapUI Tutorial Part 1 : A world-class tour to SoapUI PRO.

Soap UI PRO is a tool wherein you just need to click on the actions available to you and you can make your imagination comes true. Services testing was never so easy before the make-believe fantasy of SoapUI PRO creators. I want to thank them before giving you a brief of the tool cum weapon as they say.

Why SoapUI?

SoapUi is a very powerfully built tool which is used for Services testing.

Continue reading “SoapUI Tutorial Part 1 : A world-class tour to SoapUI PRO.”